Densitometry is an imaging method to measure bone density and to verify the diagnosis of osteoporosis, to monitor osteoporosis treatment and to determine fracture risk. Thanks to special scanning techniques, it can visualise bone structure and analyse bone mineral density.
What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disease manifested by loss of bone mass and disorders of bone microarchitecture, resulting in weakened bone strength and subsequent increased bone fragility. However, the increased loss of bone tissue is not outwardly apparent and the disease is not painful in its early stages. Often osteoporosis is only detected at its first manifestation – a fracture. That is why early diagnosis of this disease is very important.
Who is densitometry for?
In the general population, osteoporosis mainly affects the elderly and women in transition. However, this examination is primarily intended for patients over 21 years of age. It is not suitable for pregnant women. The examination is recommended for patients who:
observes a loss of height – possible fractures in the spine,
has been taking certain medications for a long time that interfere with the process of bone renewal (e.g. steroid drugs),
has undergone an organ or bone marrow transplant,
suffering from hormonal instability
in women, it occurs naturally after menopause, but female oestrogen levels may also fall during some types of cancer treatment,
in men, testosterone levels are lowered by some prostate cancer treatments,
has type 1 diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, or a family history of osteoporosis.
How does the examination work?
The densitometric examination is painless, lasting only a few minutes, during which the patient lies comfortably and motionless on the bed on the back or on the side. No special preparation of the patient before the examination is necessary. However, the patient should not take calcium in any form of dietary supplement 24 hours before the examination.
Densitometry is an imaging method to measure bone density and to verify the diagnosis of osteoporosis
Pricelist and documents for download
Basic densitometric examination - 30 EUR
Preamed s.r.o.
Hollého 14
080 01 Prešov
E-mail: preamed@preamed.sk
Tel.: 0918 188 804
Operating hours
Monday - Friday: 07:00 - 14:30
No appointment is necessary for the examination, patients are seen on a first come, first served basis.